Sponsor a Child

Timeline of Arya Samaj Gandhidham

The historical earthquake of 2001 has left a permanent destructive mark on Kutch-Gujarat. The Social, Economical and Emotional wounds have still not healed. The worst to suffer have been the children as they have lost everything including their most precious treasure-Parents.

Arya Samaj Gandhidham took initiative to take care of the kids who lost their parents. On the 2 acre land provided by Kandla Port Trust we have established Jeevan Prabhat – A Child Charity. The then Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee donated Rs. 56 Lacs from the Prime Ministers National Relief Fund for the construction of the Girls’ wing. India Development & Relief Fund-nited – Statesof America have graciously donated Rs. 80 Lacs for the Boys’wing. We have taken every care to make the complex earthquake proof as per the International standards.

We are providing Boarding, Loadging, Education, Games and other all possible assistance to 162 children of whom 87are boys and 75 are girls.

We need your help for this great humanitarian cause and request you to please sponsor a child

Sponsor a Child

Let’s Bring The Smile by Sponsor a Child
(The children of Jeevan Prabhat who want your love and affection, please sponsor a child)

Whenever you visit India please pay visit to Jeevan Prabhat and share your Love & Affection with the children.

Can you please spare some money a day to sponsor a child and thus make the lives of these children? You can sponsor a child with 180 US Dollars for one year or Rs. 8400. This includes all the basic requirements like good Nutritious food with milk, Fruits, butter, ghee and other nutritional supplements, clothes, education, medical etc. Under this scheme a child can be allotted to more than one person. However if you want to be the sole sponsor then you have tocontribute just Rs. 30000 or 650 US Dollars for one child for one year. In this case you will remain the sole sponsor of the child and the child will not be allotted to any other person.

It is our humble request to you all noble persons to contribute this nominal amount for one child each year for the child’s better care and get the satisfaction of making some child’s life.

Alternatively we also we also request you to donate 120 USD/ Rs. 5100 for one time meal to the children on your auspicious occasions and thereby share your happiness with them. We now request you to please help us in this endeavor by sponsoring one child and also by contributing for one time meal to the children.

Please select the child/children from the children’s profile.

All donations are exempt from Income-tax under Section 80G and all donations above rs. 25000.00 are 100% exempt from Income tax under Section 35AC of the Income-tax act.

We once again request you to sponsor a child and thereby give your Ahuti in this Humanity Havan which we have started.

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